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Tropers / Victorian Vixen

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"I don't know what I'm doing. That's kind of the adventure."
Victorian Vixen, to other people.

"I haven't the faintest idea what I'm doing and I'm kind of freaking out."
Victorian Vixen, to herself

A mysterious creature of questionable humanity (the jury's been out since at least ninth grade), the Victorian Vixen can often be found in the vicinity of books. She stocks them by the dozens in her snug, cluttered den and will be inherently drawn to them during her infrequent outings. She is a dreamy thing, spending more time in her own head than anything, and is easily startled when rudely interrupted. A bit of a loner (she possesses something of a difficult personality), she is nonetheless desperately seeking community. A hopeless romantic thing, really.

She also fancies herself a bit of a writer.

She's a bit silly.

She's all right with that.

Works by Victorian Vixen, under the name CC Barnes

Tropes regarding Victorian Vixen
