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Tropers / Troy Martin

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Describe Troy Martin here.

Alright then. I am a 16-year-old male troper who loves computers, writing, music, movies, and science fiction.

Creator of the Surrealverse? Why, yes I am.

My music preferences vary, but mainly it's just "no country or rap". My favourite band is Rush. Or maybe Pink Floyd. Or Dream Theater. Or all of the above.

I am a Minecraft addict. I am the head administrator of a gaming community originally based around Minecraft called Cordilon.

I am also a programmer, an author, and a contributor.

Tropes that apply to me:

Pages I've launched/contributed somewhat largely to:

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I vandaloozed your page. >:3 - Zersk

Hello, Troy. It's good to find a mature 15-year-old. They're a rare find. Radd
