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Tropers / Triz

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Tropes that apply to me:

  • Ambiguous Disorder: Triz is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder but it is ambiguous whether they have another. They display agressive and unempathetic tendencies, along with an increasing boredom and lack of most emotions.
  • Ambiguous Gender Identity: Triz generally seems to be happy to identify as a girl and take on female social roles but would prefer to be male. It is unclear how serious she is about this.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Triz often writes stories that make people go "...what?" along with generally saying things that don't make sense.
  • Girliness Upgrade: Triz started to talk more with girly emojis and emoticons online, along with a general feminine vibe from her.
  • Grey-and-Gray Insanity: Triz hates the quote about indifference leading to the rise of evil because he genuinely does not know what's right and what's wrong on a grand scale.
  • Kiddie Kid: Triz is 16 but generally acts like she's around 12.
  • Longing For Fiction Land: Triz wishes he was in a wacky comedy cartoon with his friends.
  • Loser Protagonist: Even accounting for his age, Triz's life is highly pitiful. Has never had a friend in real life, is extremely lazy, wishes he was a fictional character, considered annoying and lacking social skills, et.c.
  • Tomboyish Voice: Triz likes to hang out with guys and has a deep voice.
  • Stopped Caring: Triz does the bare minimum to get by almost every day.
