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Tropers / Themediashow

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Hullo! We are a small media-literacy-themed You Tube show out of New York City, produced by students and out-of-work performers. We love TV Tropes for many many reasons — the good ideas for new plots^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H attention to the periodic laziness of mass media outlets, the fan generation of content, the lack of spoilers, the falling-down-a-rabbit-hole feeling of following the links until HEY where'd my workday go! — so we made a video about/using TV Tropes.

The episode contains examples of The Other Darrin, SORAS, Reset Button, Monster of the Week, and All Just a Dream. (And maybe others! Can you place Erna, Weena, and the Intern in other tropes? I periodically think of Weena and Erna as Tomboy and Girly Girl.)

We figure this episode might be of use to teachers who wanted to use TV Tropes in their classrooms. Which we highly recommend! What other site will let you think of ways to compare The Odyssey and Harry Potter? If you know teachers who should be encouraged to use more media in class, refer them to us, and we will refer them back to you <3

If you have other ideas for tropes or other media phenomena you'd like to see us talk about, let us know! We have also done episodes about copyright and fanvids, passive-aggressive smileys, and flame wars.
