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Tropers / The Sarge

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OK FINE! I'll describe The Sarge here.

Hi! I'm The Sarge and I GM over at The World Of Skare Brae. I play all the NPCs over there, try and remember where all the plot lines are supposed to be going, invent new adventures fro my players, and just generally try and manage that slow-moving ball of a game world. I also occasionally poke my players when they seem to have fallen asleep. Oh look, there's one right now! —-POKE!—-

See? When you poke 'em, they jump right back into the game. Or off a cliff and then are never heard from again. (Don't you hate it when that happens?)

Anyways, in real life I'm real and alive, and also real. (Some unreality may occur.)

I'm also Canadian. As in, from Canada. Which is located in Canada. Right next to Canada. (Because it's so vast, it's only next to itself. There is this country below us that makes a lot of noise and seems to like to blow things up a lot, but I try and ignore them.) On behalf of my nation, I would like to apologize for inflicting Celine Dion upon the world. We're all sorry you had to see that. However, I am not sorry for hockey, maple syrup, mounties, Pierre Trudeau, Wayne Gretzky, universal health care, UN peace keepers, the mighty moose, the delicious Canada Goose, or the unstoppable chewing machine that is the Canadian beaver. I don't care about Back Bacon, though.
