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Hi. How are ya?

Tek here. At 26, I'm old enough to know I should've already accomplished more with my life. I'm still playing catch-up, but I'm gettin' somewhere now! ^_^;;

Real Life paints me as many things, none of which I excel at: economics student, mathematics liaison, postal deliverer, banking assistant, multimedia dabbler, light-show spectacular. Maybe that last one isn't a noun. On here, however, I can assume a mantle of legitimacy! So...yay?

Video games consume entirely too much of my time, bless them. Castlevania, Shin Megami Tensei, Sonic, Fire Emblem, and Atelier are but a few of the game series I adore overmuch. I also questionably enjoy some less-huzzahed titles such as Wild Arms 4, Chaos Legion, SaGa Frontier, and Tail Concerto. All-time favorite games include Metroid Prime, Mega Man Legends, BlazBlue, Final Fantasy XII, and whatnot...oh, almost forgot: Deus Ex (and The Nameless Mod) is (are) the greatest thing(s) ever. OH, and I also almost forgot: Video game music is the greatest ever. Commence tastelessness!

Webcomiques? Well...of the mainstays, Penny Arcade is pretty rad, if a bit...uncouth. Fanboys is also sweet. The Book of Biff is also well worth anyone's time. My favorite, though? Precocious.

Cartoons? Tiny Toon Adventures and SatAM constituted a large bulk of my TV's output. From the anime side, Outlaw Star remains a fave. Now, mostly, I just spend my time eagerly awaiting the next Friendship Is Magic episode. It is awesome incarnate, and I love it so.

I read, too, among other tasks...but...I'll put up more disjointed prattlings when I'm not so much distracted by these delicious chocolate candies. Tah!
