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Tropers / Sonic Rocker

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Well... Hi. I'm just your semi kinda maybe average half-sane half of the time freshman gamer geek. I usually solely play games made by Valve, Nintendo, Sega, or occasionally Microsoft, though these days you'll usually only find me playing Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress 2, or a Mario game of some sort. I've also got a newfound obsession with Scott Pilgrim. I actually can't stand the name Sonicrocker these days, but I haven't been able to come up with anything different that's better since I've made the name for myself about two or three years ago. And before you even ask, I'm not trying to be part of the Furry Fandom with that name (I've nothing against them, just getting that out of the way). I've just been a huge Sonic fan for the majority of my life, and play a lot of Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Did I forget to mention that? Yeah I did. Don't answer me. I didn't ask you that.

Oh, and I love explosions.
