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This page is not to be confused with anything from Modern Warfare. Or Call of Duty in general.Just thought that should be outta the way. I'm just a 14(at the time of writing) year old dude who lives in a country nobody's probably heard of, even when a member of The Beatles sang about it! (George Harrison's "Bangladesh").

I'm about 5.5 ft at the moment.Still growing too.Brown eyes,but it's dark looking without some light.I have an above average IQ(bordering on 120),but also have ADD.I am an otaku, an avid gamer, and I read a lot books too. I play football/soccer (supports Real Madrid,Manchester United,Tottenham,Bayern Munich and AC Milan). Like the rest of my country which you probably still think is fictional, I love cricket too. And I'm a hardcore rock music fan, although I don't mind some pop and rap artists. I'm really lazy in editing pages,especially this one.My life's tropes and LINKS and proper looking page coming some day soon. God knows when though XD.Definitely Needs More Love.

Favorite works

Anime/Manga :

Fullmetal Alchemist,Naruto,Bleach,One Piece,The World God Only Knows (absolute favorite),Dragon Ball, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan, Samurai X, etc.etc.(too lazy too think of what else to add :P)


The Matrix series, Final Fantasy Advent Children, any comic book movie, The Princess Bride

TV series:

Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Grey's Anatomy, Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory,

Western Animation:

Very old classic cartoons from Cartoon Network and Nickolodeon, Sponge Bob Square Pants,Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry,The Simpsons, Family Guy,Young Justice


Beatles, U2, basically any rock band, especially pre 2000.


HP series, Foundation series (all time favorite SERIES), Discworld (currently reading), Kane and Abel (all time favorite BOOK).

Video games:

Dragon Age,Pokemon,Skyrim,Call of Duty,Final Fantasy. anything RPG or shooter in general
