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Tropers / Shaon

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Shaon is a 16-year-old artist/musician/writer/radio DJ from Florida. She specializes in traditional art, glockenspiels, overwrought melodrama, and communism, respectively.

Shaon's fandoms include Haibane Renmei, Ergo Proxy, Mother 3, The Protomen, Touhou, Umineko No Naku Koro Ni, and Team Fortress 2 HOMESTUCK HOMESTUCK HOMESTUCK HOMESTUCK HOMESTUCK

Shaon mostly launches pages for obscure series, usually on request. These have included Marble Hornets, Fobbies Are Borange, Tree From My Youth, and Harmony. Not too many of these took off, unfortunately.

Shaon is a huge fan of Five Iron Frenzy and braveSaintSaturn. If the latter miraculously grows a page, you know who probably did it. HOLY CRAP SOMEONE ELSE DID IT
