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Tropers / Self Kai Harness

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Sup gamers, usually i don't come online in TV Tropes that much so here we are. You can call me selfKaiHarness, or 'Kai' whatever you slobs want to call me. I'm 21 years old, by the way.

Born on June 23rd, 1999 in Mephilies, Tennessee in a shit neighborhood. I've been gaming since I got a Playstation 1, and have been playing both Playstation and PC Master Race games ever since. God, I miss the Xbox 360.

     What games do I like, eh? 

* Risk of Rain 2, Especially modded. Modded Risk of Rain 2 is the best way to play it.
* People Playground - A better version of Ma D 2. Nuff said.
* Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot - This game rocks the dragon for me. *Crickets Chirping* OH COME ON IT WAS A GOOD PUN!
* Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - Almost have all the DLC. Damn AI keeps wrecking me in singleplayer, for fucks sake!
* Starbound - I don't know. You speculate on why.
* Dragon Ball Online (Universe Revelations server/Crisis) - My god, the nostalgia from 2011. Glad I made a wand-wielding boy that is nowhere nearly as powerful as Donald Duck.
