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Sci Fi Chica is one of the alter egos of Jamie, a seventeen-year-old girl who lives in a nowhere town and wants to be a screenwriter and movie/television (not sure which yet, maybe both) director. As the name implies, I'm something of a science fiction geek. I'm somewhat of an entry pimp for Buffy The Vampire Slayer (like it actually needs any more) and Babylon Five. I greatly enjoy MST 3 King and just about anything that allows me to excercise my considerable sense of snark. Loves: Babylon Five, anything Whedon, A Song Of Ice And Fire, Harry Potter, anything by Tamora Pierce, Pushing Daisies, and a number of crime procedurals such as CSI (original only), and various L&O incarnations, and NCIS and Bones especially. Intensely dislikes: Reality Television, High School Musical, Inheritance, and Twilight. Apparently, I am the only person in the universe who actually likes the following things: Catwoman (yes, that one. It wasn't a great work of art, but it was fun), the Star Wars Prequels,Buffy season six and seven, and Star Trek: Enterprise. (Yes, all of it). I plan to do the following things if I achieve my dream of becoming a famous entertainment mogul:

  1. Starting a network called the Un-Cancelled Network where shows that have a strong fanbase and were screwed by the regular networks can come to either finish up properly (if they were only screwed out of a decent finale, like Enterprise)or live out their rightful runs (see almost the entire Too Good to Last page, but I am thinking personally of Firefly, Tru Calling, and New Amsterdam) if they only got less than two seasons.
  2. Personally ensure that more girls have the opportunity to become screenwriters and directors outside romantic comedy (especially in my chosen field of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror)
  3. Abolish the stereotype of people who like aforementioned field as pocket-protector-wearing basement-dwelling no-life geeks
  4. Make lists for public consumption of totally critically/publicly maligned or chronically underrated movies and shows that deserve a second chance and that were mostly only savaged because of bandwagoning or mostly forgotten despite their awesomeness(here I am thinking of the aforementioned Catwoman and Star Wars prequels for the former category, and Babylon Five,Forbidden Planet, etc. for the latter)
  5. Make lists for public consumption of completely overrated, so-called "classic" movies and TV shows that really need to go away forever (and here I am thinking of anything by Stanley Kubrick, particularly The Shining and 2001: A Space Odessy, and pretty much anything that goes on most of the AFI's science fiction "best" lists, and most of the things that go on Top 50/100 Shows of All Time Lists [with a very, very few exceptions])
I hate pretension, intellectual condescencion, and people who act stupider than they really are. I will smack you on the head if you are racist, misogynistic, or homophobic. I'm a Christian, but I accept all faiths and detest unreasoning fanatacism in any religion, especially my own. I consider myself to be a rather more spiritual than religous person. Outside of movies, tv, and books, I enjoy spirited, intelligent debate or conversation, knitting, sewing, singing, playing my oboe, and general subversiveness. Leave me a comment if you want to talk!
