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Tropers / SCGCrew

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SCGCrew exists. That's it, he only exists and will lurk around pages. Yes, SCGCrew is one person despite "Crew" being in the name.

Okay, but for real though, hi. I'm SCGCrew or "S" if you wanna do that, and I generally enjoy video games, movies, and other forms of entertainment. I talk like I'm from a play or cartoon but that's because I've watched too many of each and also because I'm a theater kid. I know, deal with it. The name comes from an idea I've had for a YouTube channel called "Super Cool Gaming" that just shortened into SCG with "Crew" added mainly because I wanted to have some friends onboard, either that or I just needed something to make it sound good as a Minecraft username.

Anyways, here's some tropes about SCGCrew:

  • Geek: I love Command & Conquer, maybe a bit too much, hehe. I specifically love Generals & Zero Hour since I grew up with those two as well as Red Alert 2 and 3 because of the severe ham. Tim Curry shouting as he tries not to laugh "... SPACE!!" will never get old for me.
  • The Quiet One: I'm probably never going to interact on the forums mainly because I prefer to be the type of troper to browse the tropes rather than edit any articles in fear of messing up. I've still got a lot of learning to do here.
