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Tropers / Pyhrrous

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My Pet-Peeve Trope list for this wiki:

  • The sentences "it helps that..." "it doesn't help that..." "notably", used when appended to the end of an example. 99% of the time, this hurts sentence flow and the fact that follows could have been integrated into the main body of the example instead of the end.
  • All-spoilered example text. It defeats the point of a spoiler if you don't know what's inside of it. Users will need to click it to find out, and whoops, they just got spoiled. You need to indicate what is inside the spoiler text (usually with a chapter number/level name/approximate portion of the book).
  • Chained Sinkholes. You generally want to avoid linking things all that frequently, because it breaks up flow; users will want to stop reading the example for a moment to see where that link text goes to. Having multiple links with no white text in between is even worse, not just because it's more of the same, but also because you can't tell how many links there are at a glance.
  • Potholing to Oh, Crap! or This Is Gonna Suck at the end of an example when those tropes don't happen In-Universe. This just sucks the meaning out of those tropes, from things that happen in media to "we link to these pages when bad things happen in general".
  • Word Cruft. Yes, everyone's susceptible to writing in cruft when writing an example. But don't edit an existing example just to add more cruft. Nobody should need to read 100 words to know what can read with 10.
