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Tropers / Matty Chan Hazel

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I'm Matty-chan (or Hazel, as I'm sometimes known). I'm a crazy Catholic Cat Girl who happens to be a JRPG, Anime and Pokemon Otaku. I play Video Games a lot, and I'm proud to call myself a Gamer Geek - a female one, at that.

My favourite games are Persona 4, Persona 3, and Pokemon (especially Platinum and Heart Gold). I also play stuff like Super Smash Bros Brawl, Rabbids Go Home, and a spot of Final Fantasy. On top of that, I'm a fan of table-top gaming - I usually do Dungeons And Dragons or Mutants And Masterminds. This has made me physically weak, although I try to make up for it with Scouts.

I'm an eccentric Teen Genius, but I'm a little crazy and am misunderstood by my peers thanks to my aforementioned Video Game addiction, my love of anything Japanese, my slightly crazy imagination, my spontaneous-ness (is that even a word?) and my genius.

I enjoy Fantasy novels, and aim to become a writer one day.

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's homophobia, ESPECIALLY from fundies. I'm a regular commentator on, under that handle "Hazel Holly". I'm also Hazel on deviantART, V Junior on Giant, Verandius—Junior on Gaia Online, and Dame Celebi on The Cave Of Dragonflies.

Did I mention I love liquorice?

Also, I will not submit to American spelling! That IS how you spell "liquorice", morons! And "favourite"!

The Hero Hartmut: sadly, when it comes to adding tags to words on this or any site, American spelling is needed (like 'color'). I know. I hate it, too.
