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Tropers / Matt9five

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When you're this fabulous, you don't need to write your own troper page. Original Picture

"OH HERRO THAR I LIKE MEN! 8D" - Matt, introducing himself.

Seeing as the troper in question is too lazy to contribute anything to his own page (Damnit, Matt) His friend Painted Symphony (Jen) will be adding things here for him.

Matt9five (Also known as Doofus-P or Circus-P) is a Vocaloid user/Producer from America. He is widely popular in the Fandom for his use of Vocaloid and UTAU.

Matt is the creator of several different UTAU, though he is mostly known for creating Aido Feirune (Pictured at the left.)

A list of the UTAU he has created/voiced are: Aido Feirune, Konoto Zoru, and Shirone Tyun. His previously created ones that were abandoned are Usone Zuni (Eventually became Tyun) and Preparo (Dr. Pepper UTAU).

The two UTAU that he helped create (but did not voice) are Chii Feirune (Sister to Aido) and Hana Chitsukao (Vaginaface)

(Symphony is not a stalker for knowing all this, what are you talking about?)

His all time favorite singers are Kesha, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, and Katy Perry.

His current favorite games are The Fatal Frame Series, Haunting Ground (Due to Symphony), and The Silent Hill Series.
