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My personal sandbox, now a draft for Twofold's character page. Read at your own risk!

Tropes pertaining to the cast of Twofold. Be wary of potential Self-Fulfilling Spoilers, especially for characters in the unlockable side story, Perfect Circle.
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Main Characters

    In General 

    Olive Penn 

    Caprice Shiften 

    Millie Clarke 

    Hayley Curah 
Voiced by: Elissa Park
A music lover whose aloofness and use of headphones as punctuation belies the warmth she saves for those closest. Lamenting the ongoing spat between Childhood Friends Millie and Caprice, Hayley acts as The Lancer, encouraging Olive to grow closer to their chosen club leader whilst ensuring the other doesn't go unsupported.

Art Club

Writing Club

