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Trivia / Who Is America?

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  • Fake American: Sacha as any role that's not British, such as Billy Ruddick and Dr. Nira.
  • Role-Ending Misdemeanor: Many conservative politicians such as Roy Moore, Dana Rohrabacher and Sarah Palin complained that this show damaged their reputations and cost them their jobs and income, especially in the case of Jason Spencer.
    • Spencer saw so much backlash from his performance on the show that he resigned from his position as a member of the Georgia House of Representatives, though even without this show Spencer has a long history of making racially inappropriate comments and endorsing racism, this show itself was merely video evidence capturing him proving that all allegations against him of racist behavior are true.
    • Rohrabacher, meanwhile, lost his race for re-election a few months after the episode where he supported arming kindergarteners aired. While it certainly didn't help his efforts to win re-election, Rohrabacher was already a very controversial figure due to his ties to Russia, and he was seen as vulnerable well before the episode aired.
  • Streisand Effect: Sarah Palin threatened to sue the show for the stunt Baron Cohen pulled with her. It ended up not even being put in the show, but the mere fact that she’d apparently done something she had to be that worried about people seeing got plenty of mockery. The series finale even acknowledged this, crediting her as "Special Publicity Consultant (Inadvertent)".
