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Trivia / Walkabout

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  • Actor-Inspired Element: Jenny Agutter auditioned for the role wearing her school uniform with a grey miniskirt. Her outfit in the film is a replication of this.
  • Cast the Expert: David Gulpilil was an accomplished tribal dancer, hunter, and didn't speak English at the time. He'd go on to a long career as an actor.
  • Dueling Works: It debuted at the 1971 Cannes Film Festival, alongside another classic Outback film, Wake in Fright. John Meillon, who plays the father here, is in both films.
  • Real-Life Relative: Lucien John is actually Luc Roeg, director Nicolas Roeg's son. Roeg's older son Nico was originally supposed the play the young boy, but had gotten too old by the time filming began.
  • Serendipity Writes the Plot: Jenny Agutter was cast when she was fifteen but funding delayed filming until she had turned sixteen. As she was now of age, she was allowed to be nude in the film.
  • What Could Have Been: At one point, Apple Films was interested in producing it.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: The shooting script was around 15 pages long. A good chunk of the final film was improvised on the spot. Roeg says they'd just drive around the Outback until they found a good location, then start shooting.
