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Trivia / Torchwood S 1 E 12 Captain Jack Harkness

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  • Alternate Self Shipping: Russell T Davies said that this was the Inspiration for the Work.
    "From the starting point, it was like: who was the one man Captain Jack is gonna fall in love with? And that's himself!"
  • Deleted Scenes
    • When they first arrive, Tosh notes how happy everyone is, leading to Jack monologuing for longer than in the final episode.
      "The spirit of mankind. All these soldiers know they could die any day, so what do they do? They dance. They lose themselves in the music. Celebrating the now, holding onto each other, sensing how precious each moment is. Defying the bombs not to fall just yet."
    • Other officers talk about WWII Jack's girl, making a joke about him getting lucky with her. When modern Jack asks if he actually does get lucky, they just say he doesn't always get back to base at night.
    • The two Jacks talk about if they have regrets about enlisting. Modern Jack hastily says no, but "it's just not knowing when it's going to end". WWII Jack says he has a slight fear of dying.
      "But without death in the balance, there'd be no valour, no honour. All I can pray is I make it thorugh this and die an old war hero."
      "You are a hero. To me."
    • Tosh talks with the soldier bandaging her hand. When he says he's 18, she realizes that's the same age as her little brother, who she hardly ever sees. He asks if Tosh will write to her, and she says she can't, but will never forget him.
    • When Jack says leading people into battle is easier when death isn't in the balance, Tosh asks Jack directly if it's true that he can't die, but he doesn't respond.
  • DVD Bonus Content: In addition to behind the scenes on the set design and a feature about the WWII Cpt. Jack Harkness, John Barrowman sings "Anything Goes".
