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Trivia / The Simpsons S8 E22: "In Marge We Trust"

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  • Acting for Two: In the Japanese dub, Bin Shimada, who voiced Krusty, also voiced Mr. Sparkle, albeit he used a very high-pitched tone as the mentioned character.
  • Creator's Favorite Episode: Matt Groening named this as one of his ten favourite episodes.
  • Deleted Scene: Reverend Lovejoy's flashback originally ran longer, showing the previous incumbent was Jasper, with Lovejoy lying as he tells Marge Jasper gave him words of encouragement ("They're all morons.") and friendly advice ("You're screwed.") before he left.
  • Technology Marches On: If this episode took place today, Homer could have easily learnt all he needed about Mr. Sparkle via a simple internet search.
  • Write What You Know: The trip to the dump was inspired by Donick Cary's youth, in which he would often go "dump picking". This led to the writers deciding to have Homer's face on a discarded box, which became the Mr. Sparkle subplot.
