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Trivia / The Ropers

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  • The Danza: Jeffrey Tambor as Jeffrey P. Brookes III. This may be a coincidence, as the equivalent character on George & Mildred was also named Jeffrey (but played by Norman Eshley).
  • Screwed by the Network: This series, and its stars. Norman Fell was very nervous about leaving the security of a hit primetime show and insisted that a clause be added to the contract that he and Lindley could return to Three's Company if The Ropers was cancelled within a year. After a very successful six episode Spring tryout airing after the parent show, the show was moved to the 8pm Saturday night slot where it instantly fell in the ratings against CHiPs on NBC. Fell felt that ABC intentionally dragged its feet in cancelling the show in order to keep from having to fulfill its promise to return the characters to Company, which had by this time successfully replaced the two landlord characters with one, Don Knotts as Ralph Furley.
  • You Look Familiar : Jeffrey Tambor played several different one-shot guest roles on Three's Company both before and after The Ropers.
