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Trivia / The Office USS 5 E 28 Company Picnic

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  • Enforced Method Acting: The extras in the SlumDunder Mifflinaire scene were told not to laugh at the sketch, but Steve Carell and Amy Ryan weren't informed of this instruction, to make Michael and Holly getting thrown off by the poor reception of the sketch more genuine.
  • Milestone Celebration: "Compnay Picnic" is the 100th episode of the US series. The end scene has Jim and Pam finding out their lives are about to change.
  • What Could Have Been: There was dialogue scripted (and reportedly spoken) for the final scene of Jim and Pam receiving the special news in the doctor's office, but it was decided that Kraskinski and Fischer's facial reactions made the scene great enough on their own and had the scene played silently instead.
