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Trivia / The Brady Bunch S 2 E 10 The Tattletale

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  • Shout-Out: The episode would be referenced at least twice, this time with Cindy being admonished even though the "something important" was a case where she would be expected to tell the truth:
    • The Brady Bunch Movie, where Cindy witnesses a neighbor stealing the Brady's mail. Mike refuses to listen to Cindy or even realizes anything is amiss until authorities show up to foreclose on the property and accuse him of ignoring multiple "past due" notices.
    • "'Family Guy' Through the Years," a 2018 episode of the animated series Family Guy, where, after Peter won't listen to Meg that Chris has run off to Woodstock (and thus may be in danger due to the culture of sex, drugs and other crime), he turns to "Mike" to deliver the "when you tattle, you're really telling on yourself" moral to Meg, as though she were Cindy.
