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Trivia / Star Trek: Deep Space Nine S02E08 "Necessary Evil"

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  • Deleted Scene:
    Michael Piller: The greatest regret I have about that show is that I allowed Rick [Berman] to take out one scene that would have really made it better. That was a scene where Odo, having just talked to Kira, was going to see Pallra and he sees Gul Dukat coming out of her room and he kisses her good-bye, indicating that they just had sex. When Dukat walks away, we go around the corner where Odo was and there is now a picture that is crooked. Gul Dukat straightens it out and walks on, and then Odo goes to see Pallra. If we had left that in, that would have suggested that Gul Dukat, a red herring, might have also been involved in the murder and was involved in covering it up somehow. That would have been an interesting additional element for people to be thinking about during the course of the show. I have never been as sorry about cutting something out as I feel about that.
    • The kiss between Gul Dukat and Pallra was Dukat actor Marc Alaimo's favorite moment from about the first season and a half.
    It's interesting to me that after all of my years as an actor that I finally got my first screen kiss as a Cardassian. Nobody else could give two damns about it, probably, but it was really interesting and exciting for me, especially because I was doing it as a Cardassian [....] I have tried to instill a little bit of softness into him, a little playfulness, especially in ["Necessary Evil"] because the thought of getting a kiss was thrilling to him.
