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  • Cast the Expert: Bill Strother, who plays Harold's building-climbing pal, was a real-life stunt climber billed as "The Human Spider".
  • Inspiration for the Work: Harold Lloyd got the idea for this film when he saw Bill Strother climbing the Brockman Building in Los Angeles as a stunt one day. Lloyd – who had a difficult time watching anyone else perform a dangerous stunt because he had no control over that situation – hid behind a corner, peeking to check on Strother's progress every few moments. After Strother reached the roof, Lloyd went up and introduced himself.
  • Referenced by...: The Clock Tower scene in this movie is recreated almost frame-by-frame in Project A. Jackie Chan is a huge Buster Keaton fan and credits Keaton's stunts as one of his inspiration; there's another Keaton reference (to One Week) in the sequel when Chan stands under a falling wall underneath a well-placed window.
  • Trope Maker: The first ever Stock Clock Hand Hang in any movie.
