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  • Creator Backlash: In a way as it's not an indictment of the film's quality, but Nicolas Cage says he won't ever see the film because he laid himself bare to portray Rob's grief and loss and it would be too much for him to see himself in such a vulnerable state. Cage notably considers it possibly his greatest work and believes the film to be one of the best he's ever made.
  • Creator's Favorite Episode: In a Reddit AMA, Cage confirmed that he considers his performance to be his favorite of his career.
  • Playing Against Type: While Cage is playing a character who's just as eccentric as his past roles, he checks out his Large Ham tendencies for a more serious, subtle performance.
  • Never Work with Children or Animals: The budget was too small for a properly trained pig. The one used in the movie received only three days of training and bit Nicolas Cage several times, with one especially nasty bite leading Cage to joke, "I've been set on fire, I've been in flipped cars but it'll be sepsis from a pig bite that kills me."
