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Trivia / Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Baba's Forty Thieves

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  • Deleted Scene: The title scene with the cave was missing for years before the Popeye DVD brought it back.
  • DVD Commentary: John Kricfalusi and his pals provide a commentary for the film on the official Popeye DVD set.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The original intro music of this cartoon has been long lost since the 1955 sellout to A.A.P.. Those faded public domain prints do use a brief snippet of it before the title transition. The Warner Bros. restoration opted to recycle the music used as Popeye opens his can of Spinach to replace the missing track as well as looping the instrumental of "Abu Hassan" presumably because they were not able to obtain the original soundtrack or their masters simply lacked it. The closest we have come to a true version of the intro comes from the print on the Blu-Ray "Popeye Original Classics in Technicolor" courtesy of Thunderbean Animation.
  • What Could Have Been: This short was meant to be aired on Turner Classic Movies due to its Arab theme, but it was dropped by accident.
  • In this cartoon Popeye is a member of the United States Coastguard. He'd officially join the Navy 4 years later.
