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Trivia / Mike's New Ghostly Family

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  • Blooper: In Chapters 146 and 147, Nelson MacGregor had his last name changed to "Edwarya" due to the fact that Archcommander-Tenebros forgot the character's original last name.
  • God Never Said That: Archcommander-Tenebros had directly acknowledged the Magnificent Bastard entry on the fanfic's version of Nightmare and clarified that, contrary to what the original version of the entry had stated, his goal was not to Take Over the World, explaining in detail that he doesn't crave world domination because it would get him into conflict with Heaven and ruling the world would be too much effort for him. The entry has since been altered, instead stating that his true agenda is shrouded in mystery.
  • Fandom Nod: Nightmare Mangle's nature as a Hellhound that serves as Nightmares' pet and behaves like a dog is a nod to the popular Five Nights at Freddy's theory that Mangle is possessed by a soul of Susie's deceased dog.
  • Missing Episode: The "Jamming With the Schmidts" chapters (which were chapters 60, 92 and 101) has been permanently deleted due to the fact that they contain lyrics from copyrighted songs and/or songs that were used without permission. Since the previous fanfic from the same creator, The Phantom Hero's Realm, has been permanently deleted for the same reason, the musical chapters had to be deleted to prevent Mike's New Ghostly Family from meeting the same fate.
