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Trivia / Luz Clawthorne Two Worlds One Family Chapter 53

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  • As of this chapter, Nina is officially promoted to a main character.
  • This marks the first time Slasher is seen in his werewolf form.


  • Blooper: In the author's notes, Aly Michalka got mixed up with AJ Michalka.
  • What Could Have Been: Nina was meant to be a one-time enemy during the "Glandus War" arc who'd just end up in the Conformatorium when it ended. It was her increasing popularity that led to her sticking around.
  • Word of God: Nina being added to the main cast was a combination of her status as a fan favorite character, the authors enjoying writing her, and her friendship with Skara.
    • Nina was 9 when she witnessed Tuggers' death and became an atheist. She was 14 by the time she was enrolled into Glandus High.
    • Silas dropped out of Glandus after losing the rematch against Nina.
    • Mr. Fierce got eaten by something courtesy of Meteora, which is how she replaced him.
    • When Glandus "publicly got rid of the Illusion track", Emily was put in the Construction track, which is how she met Cain.
    • Sunny's sadness is due to Steve being labeled a criminal.
    • Nina's siblings probably hate their parents right now, and possibly resent Cally for being the favorite child.
