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  • Disowned Adaptation: Dean Koontz was reportedly dissatisfied with the film. According to The Washington Post, "Koontz hates the movie so much he tried to force TriStar Pictures to remove his name from the credits." In addition, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, Koontz was so dissatisfied with Hideaway that he would only allow a film adaptation of his novel Phantoms to be made if he was allowed to approve the final version of the film. And on his own website, he states that pre-production of the film was promising under Mike Medavoy, who wanted to preserve Koontz's vision for the story and ordered a rewrite of the first script at Koontz's request. However, Medavoy was removed from the film and new production staff did not communicate with Koontz about the finished film, which departed drastically from his novel. Koontz ultimately resorted to legal means to get his name removed from the title of the film and from major advertising, but was unable to get it removed from the credits. He also writes that he sent several letters to the Japanese CEO of the parent company of Universal/MCA, which had the rights to the film, requesting that it had to be removed.
