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Trivia / Girl in Gold Boots

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  • Dawson Casting: The "teenagers" of the film can't be younger than 30. Tom Pace in particular was 33 at the time, but looks almost 40 as Buz.
  • Production Posse: The film features many of Ted V. Mikels' go-to 1960's actors in some capacity — Tom Pace (Buz), Mark Herron (Leo), William Bagdad (Marty the henchman), and Rod Wilmoth (the police officer) would all go on to appear in Mikels' next film The Astro-Zombies, along with composer Nicholas Carras (credited there as Nico Karasi) and DP Robert Maxwell; Victor Izay (Mr. Casey) had already appeared in One Shocking Moment and as the titular Dr. Sex. Later, Harry Lovejoy (Blatz) had a small role in The Corpse Grinders, and Leslie McRay (Michele) would join Izay, Pace and Bagdad again for Blood Orgy of the She-Devils.
  • Shoot the Money: The camera lingers over fairly mundane things like the Hollywood strip, the pre-existing Haunted House nightclub, and a dune buggy.
