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Trivia / Family Guy S 11 E 9 Space Cadet

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  • What Could Have Been: An animatic seen on the Volume #11 DVD shows how the episode would've played out.
    • Instead of Peter being mesmerized to recommend Breaking Bad and The Wire, he was watching Oliver, where Oliver Twist and some street urchins rob a woman to whom Oliver would pull a Wounded Gazelle Gambit over. This became a fully-animated Deleted Scene.
    • The cutaway where a grown-up Chris turns a deceased Peter and Lois's heads into singing machines mounted on the wall was not included in the animatic.
    • The Fortune Cookie cutaway was originally a cutaway about an auctioneer with a Motor Mouth confessing to his wife that he's been out drinking and going to jail for underage sex with a teen girl and a child.
    • Once of the camps that Lois let Chris pick out was an obedience camp for dogs and human that both Peter and Brian went to. This sets up a cutaway where the instructor orders Peter and Brian to sit. While the latter adheres to the order, Peter just moves around because 'his breed is naturally rebellious'. This became a fully-animated Deleted Scene.
    • There was a scene where a government official sends Native-Americans to space, which would've happened in the place of the 'exaggerated annoyed Italian man' gag. This became a fully-animated Deleted Scene.
    • Peter sees the cow who jumped over the moon and when he tries to speak to him, the cow blows him off rudely and Peter sadly takes his leave. This became a fully-animated Deleted Scene.
    • Stewie asks Chris for an autograph by Buzz Lightyear, which would've replaced Stewie's line advising Chris to not be a Negro if he is sent off on a space mission. This became a fully-animated Deleted Scene.
    • Chris getting cold feet at Space Camp happens in a dormitory rather than a classroom as seen in the episode.
    • One of the things Chris did while at Space Camp was called a woman to inform her about her astronaut's husband demise and said woman kills herself. It turns out, it's just practice. This became a fully-animated Deleted Scene.
    • Another lesson Chris learned from Space Camp was to practice acting like a douche while on dates and Chris bombs it. This became a fully-animated Deleted Scene.
    • Instead of Stewie saying he will not miss an obnoxious waiter, he says that he is teaching a French sexual education class and a cutaway shows just that. This became a fully-animated Deleted Scene.
    • Rather than Peter trying to do a spacewalk but getting distracted by watching a YouTube video, he went through a wormhole when going out the exit hatch and came back dressed as a snazzy-looking priest as he went 20 years into the future and worships a celestial being named Zardan. Lois isn't convinced until Zardan himself comes and takes away Peter's priest clothes and magic heart due to Peter's failure to make Lois and Meg his sex slaves.
    • Unlike the episode, the Griffin family home was suppose to be right back in Quahog at the end rather than in Mexico when Consuela stole it after the Griffin's were revealed to be trapped in outer space.
