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Trivia / DEATH BATTLE! S02E11 - Captain America VS Batman

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  • Batman is the first previously defeated opponent to return for another fight.
    • He is also the first defeated opponent to come back with a win.
  • Captain America is the first Marvel Comics fighter to lose.
  • This episode was planned years in advance and even before Batman's battle with Spider-Man. These mini-sodes were planned in case something happens to Ben's computer and screws up the schedule, such a thing happened during the creation of Godzilla vs. Gamera.
  • This is the fourth fight where the combatants have previously fought each other in canon, in the JLA/Avengers miniseries. There, the two call off the battle after a few bouts, but Batman himself admits that Captain America could win a very long fight between the two of them. This is acknowledged in the battle, putting emphasis on the different between "could" and "would". They also fought in Marvel Versus DC in which Batman did win, although the continuity of that series is more questionable and the fight had arbitrary rules applied, likely why it wasn't mentioned.
  • This episode was pushed ahead of Epyon vs Tigerzord due to Ben's hard-drive breaking during the creation of Godzilla vs Gamera, and Epyon/Tigerzord needed to be rebuilt from scratch.
  • Superman is mentioned twice in the episode. Captain America's shield is so indestructible that even the already nearly indestructible Superman wishes he had his own shield. Batman has, on multiple occasions, sneaked away from or at Superman without him noticing despite his superhuman hearing and vision. Captain America also protects Chun Li from a helicopter.
  • Captain America is described as 'Secretly a habitual car thief' which maybe a reference to an infamous scene from his below-par 1990 film, or possibly from Captain America: The Winter Soldier , in which Black Widow comments on his skills at stealing cars.
  • When Boomstick says "'Merica!" two automatic rifles and an eagle are shown. However these rifles are AK-47s: guns that are Russian made and actually uncommon in America.
