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Trivia / Community S 3 E 13 Digital Exploration Of Interior Design

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  • Development Gag: Jeff's locker number is 313, this refers to the production code for the episode.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Or rather "is vaguely mentioned by the plot". John Goodman had a ponytail and goatee for the movie Flight which was filming at the time. It was such a different look to Vice Dean Laybourne's last appearance that it couldn't go unmentioned, but they didn't have time to go into it. So he's "just going through some stuff."
  • What Could Have Been: The subplot regarding Jeff and Annie was supposed to culminate in the two of them teaming up with Chang to rid the Study Room of a rat infestation. It was changed because Dan Harmon got fed up with several notes an executive gave him that he decided to make the subplot about the executive's notes instead.
