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Trivia / BroFilms

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  • Creator Backlash: He thinks his old videos are very bad, as they're not like his newer content at all.
  • Deleted Scene: In the "MEMETASTIC! - Response" video, the intro was originally going to feature a clip from Doraemon that would transition to the next scene where he answers the door, however this part was cut due to concerns of copyright and fair-use of the clips used as well as the fact that he deemed adding that to the intro would have been unnecessary for the most part. You can view the cut footage here.
  • He Also Did: He once made a Minecraft adventure map called "BroFilms - Adventure Map" and was posted on the Minecraft Forums, a few days later YourMCAdmin played the map and ripped the map to shreds claiming that the creator of the map is a bad and malicious person due to a few signs that were put in the map as a joke, however due to backlash he took the video down shortly after and the video can only be watched on the BroEdits channel.
  • Milestone Celebration: He has done Q&A videos when he reached 300 subscribers and 400 subscribers on his main channel.
  • No Budget: Commentary with Bro has an estimated budget of $1.
