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Trivia / BoJack Horseman S4E11 "Time's Arrow"

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  • What Could Have Been: An early draft of the script is available here, showing several lines and details that were cut or changed.
    • Clemelia's husband was not a faceless background character, but a Swedish man named Jan Bronson whose only lines were variations of "If I'm to be honest, yes."
      • Its also revealed she went to Beatrice's debutante in the first place because their fathers are both affiliated with the same fraternal society, the Indianapolis Ooga-Boogas.
    • There were more details on Corbin Creamerman's interest in food chemistry, where he specified that he preferred an all-natural approach to Creamerman products while his father just wanted to maximize profits.
    • After her conversation with BoJack in 1999, Beatrice was going to go home to see Butterscotch and Henrietta having sex on the couch.
    • In the first draft, Joseph discouraged young Beatrice from crying by reciting, "If we want not a life of meek bleakness, we must never demonstrate our weakness. We must keep our eyes dry, so we are not turned into organ- meat-pie, by those who would like us to die." In the final episode, it's the much blunter, "Crying is stupid."
    • Beatrice originally talked to Henrietta at a restaurant instead of at the kitchen table.
