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Trivia / Adventures of Captain Vrungel

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  • Newbie Boom: The new popularity of Treasure Island (1988) among a wider international audience in the early 2020’s led some viewers to check this series out since it was done by the same studio, director, and some of the voice actors.
  • Non-Singing Voice: Grigory Shpigel provides the speaking voice for Agent 00X, Georgy Kislyuk provides the singing voice.
  • Production Posse: Several of the voice actors would provide voices in either or both of David Cherkassky’s later TV works, Doctor Aybolit and Treasure Island (1988), namely Evgeniy Papernyy, Seymon Farada, Aleksandr Birmistrov, Zinoviy Gerdt, and Georgiy Kishko.
  • Production Throwback: The design of the captain of the Black Cuttlefish was later reused as one of the villainous pirates in David Cherkassky’s later series, Doctor Aybolit.
  • What Could Have Been: In the late-2000's, the game developer Action Forms planned on making a sequel to the series like they had done previously with Treasure Island (1988), only this was to have 3D graphics and environments. It was apparently in development from 2006 to 2009, and then afterwards it was quietly cancelled.
  • Write What You Know: The book's author, Andrei Nekrasov, was himself a sailor at one point, and so much of the humor revolves around various sea-faring traditions and cultural observations about the places he visited.
  • Write Who You Know: According to Nekrasov, all three of the main characters were based on real people he knew. Vrungel was modelled after a sailor friend of his named Andrei Vronsky, who had plans to sail around the world with his friend Ivan Mann, the model for Lom, but the trip never happened, and Vronsky became known for telling tall tales of seafaring adventures. Fuchs, meanwhile, was based on another sailor, who shared the same name, who was known to be a cheater at cards and would often get himself into trouble.
