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Tear Jerker / The Last Emperor

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  • The scene with Pu-Yi's ghost.
  • The audience just spent 2 hours watching Pu-Yi's tumultuous life and the tour guide summarizes his life in 3 sentences.
  • There's the scene where, after Pu-Yi's release, he finds one of the prison guards (and the only one who treated him well) being given a completely undeserved Humiliation Conga for not following the Cultural Revolution's rules. Seeing Pu-Yi attempt to tell the Red Guard in charge that the guard's a good man, only to be called a crazy old man and pushed away, is harrowing...
  • When little Pu-Yi is separated from his nanny, and when he learns what happened to his mother.
  • Empress Wanrong's fate, especially when you learn how she met her tragic end in real life. The last we see of her, she is a shell of a human being due to her opium addiction and trauma after the murder of her baby.
