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Tear Jerker / Saw

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  • Lawrence breaking down sobbing after shooting Adam.
  • Adam being left to die in the bathroom at the end of the movie. Just listen to his increasingly panicked screams over the end credits as John locks him away to starve to death, even though he technically passed his test.
  • The last scene in general is absolutely heartbreaking. Adam has just brutally killed Zep to save Lawrence, and he immediately breaks down sobbing afterward, and Lawrence crawls across the floor, bleeding profusely, just to comfort him. The first time they touch throughout the entire film is when Lawrence takes Adam's hand during this scene. They press their foreheads together, and Lawrence hoarsely promises to get help for the two of them, but Adam grips onto him for dear life, begging him to not leave. Right as Lawrence is about to crawl out, Adam tearfully asks if they're going to be okay, and Lawrence says that he wouldn't lie to him. It just shows how far they've come from the beginning of the film, where they were both burdened with suspicion and doubt, to the point where they trust each other with their lives. Even worse is that Lawrence was never able to come back for Adam like he promised, because by the time he was physically capable enough to move due to his lost foot, Amanda had already put Adam out of his misery.
  • A little one, but the last words Lawrence said to his daughter Diana before he was kidnapped were him promising that he's not going to leave her. Come Saw 3D, Word of God says that Alison eventually divorced him due to his mental instability and took Diana with her.
