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Tear Jerker / Professor Arc

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Professor Arc

Professor Arc II

  • Kali admits she spent years lying awake at night wondering if Blake was dead in a ditch somewhere and if she was such a horrible mother that her daughter wouldn't come to her with her problems.
    • After Kali leaves, Blake complains about how embarrassing her mother is. Ruby shuts her up by saying she wishes her mother was still around to embarrass her.
  • While Glynda has forgiven Jaune, their relationship hasn't really recovered, and there is still an emotional wall between them. After Jaune's bluff, Glynda yells at him for not including her in their deception.
  • Doubles as Heartwarming. Jaune and Oscar have a heartfelt discussion about Oscar's situation, comparing him merging with Ozpin to a terminal illness, and Jaune encourages Oscar to make the most of his time left as an individual before Ozpin takes over completely.
  • Adam Taurus, despite being a Complete Monster, gets one after his death, when Blake talks to Yang about him. She talks about how, despite what many people think, he cared too much - and that empathy for other people was what disillusioned him, and turned him to violence. Despite everything he did, it's easy to feel for him and wish to see how he could have been if he hadn't turned to violence.
