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Tear Jerker / Poltergeist (1982)

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The scene when you hear Carol Anne's little voice say "Hello, Daddy" while they were trying to get in contact with her in the other world. It moved a great many viewers to tears.
    Diane: Can you see me? Can you see Mommy?
    Carol Anne: Mommy? Where are you? Where are you?
    Diane: [near tears] We're home, baby, we're home! Can you find me? Can you find a way home to us, baby?
    Carol Anne: [nearing tears herself] Mommy, Mommy, I can't find you! I can't!
    • JoBeth Williams absolutely sells the character of a mortified mother who is desperately fighting to find her little girl and bring her home, struggling to remain composed amidst Carol Anne's terrified screams and even getting pissed at the paranormal investigators who, to her point of view, are just standing around debating instead of doing something.
  • When the psychic explains that Carol Anne can only hear her mother's voice... and the camera shifts to the girl's father, who tears up because his little girl can't hear him.
  • When Diane feels Carol Anne move through her from the other side, absolutely certain it was her and insisting "She went through my soul!" JoBeth's emotional delivery really sells it as one of the most moving moments in the trilogy.
  • After the ghost on the staircase ascends from the ceiling alongside with the other ghostly orbs, Dr. Lesh comments that the ghosts are "alone" as she watches the video of the ghostly orbs floating away from the staircase.
    Dr. Lesh: They're so alone. So alone.
