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Tear Jerker / Pantheon

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  • The horrifically realistic bullying Maddie suffers at School. The girls at school either don't know or don't care about her family loss, and take pleasure in mocking her for her appearance, with Samara sending her an e-mail telling her to kill herself. Maddie is so miserable she can't even tell her family what's going on, and collapses into bed in tears when she gets home.

  • Chanda is not only forcibly uploaded by his corrupt boss, but finds out the same company he worked for has been experimenting on innocent people, and that Uploading is ultimately fatal due to the flaw. Keep in mind Chanda spoke of the good he believed Uploading would do for mankind. Seeing him go from a Wide-Eyed Idealist to the vengeful monster he is by the end of the season is sobering.
    • And as bad as Chanda's luck, it was still better than what happened to the test subject before him. He discovers that the monstrous creatures who saved him from his confinement was a poor vagrant who signed up for Prasad's evil experiment under the hope of a better life, only to be converted into a mute, amorphous abomination that's slowly degrading. He now has no way of communicating who he once was, and Chanda can do nothing to help him.
    • Chanda's call to his mother after he takes revenge on Prasad. His mother is so warm and encouraging, while Chanda breaks down sobbing midway through. Even sadder because he may not just be crying because of his own condition, but because his mom doesn't know he killed an entire family and he's too ashamed to face her. Worst of all? Mrs. Chanda never discovers what really happened to her son, and as of Chanda's death by Holstrom, she will likely never find closure.
