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Tear Jerker / My Soul to Take

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  • Abel is devastated to learn that one of his split personalities is a killer who may endanger his wife and kids. Then he realizes his wife is lying dead next to him and nearly kills their daughter, who is still upset to see him get shot.
  • May is working diligently at the hospital when she learns about the death of her pregnant sister.
  • Every time one of the Riverton Seven dies is a harsh blow after the time spent Developing Doomed Characters. Even repulsive bully Brandon gets a few moments of surprising vulnerability before his inevitable death. The one possessed by the killer returning to normal while dying is portrayed as not worth celebrating. Based on her prayer the morning after the Ripper returns, Penelope is an only child whose parents are both still alive and close to her, meaning her family will be hit especially hard by the killings.
  • The back-to-back murders of Parental Substitute May and the occasionally stern but warm-hearted cop Frank, two of the least useless adults in the whole film.
