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Tearjerker / Mare of Easttown

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  • Erin McMenamin. She's a teen mom, her child's father is a deadbeat, she's terrorized and cat-fished by the latter's new girlfriend, has an abusive father and is isolated from her friends. When her body is discovered, the audience is begging for her killer to be found.
  • Easttown is a town ravaged by opioid abusers. It's truly tragic to see the impact it has on the community. The sister of a repeat offender voices this heartbreaking statement:
    Beth: I'm ashamed of myself for saying this, but sometimes I wish he would just fucking die. I do. I really do. Just get it over with. 'Cause I can't do this anymore.
    • When Mare does eventually find Fred dead with a needle in his arm, Beth is calm and resigned. She knew this day would come, sooner rather than later, and here it is.
  • Mare's life. She's been revered as a hero since she was 18, and feels the expectation of the town.
  • When Brianna yells at Mare: "No wonder your son fucking killed himself!", the look of anger, betrayal, guilt and disappointment shown in Mare's eyes.
  • When the Chief announces to the crowd that they are bringing in a county detective to help Mare, the crowd yells about the incompetency of Mare's skills in finding Katie. Overwhelmed, Mare leaves.
  • Mare fighting back tears relaying her late son's diagnosis and how she fears the same fate will come upon Drew.
  • Kenny, upon hearing the news of Erin, gets into a rage and breaks down.
  • The flashback of Kevin and Carrie locking Mare out of the bathroom as they raid her purse for money to buy drugs. When Mare manages to break in, Kevin explodes at Mare, pouring the contents of her purse over her and screaming about how much he hates her.
  • The flashback to Siobhan finding Kevin's body and calling Mare. Mare sent Siobhan to check on Kevin when she heard he had broken into their home, thinking he was just there to rob them rather than take his own life. In the present day, Siobhan breaks down crying and says that it should have been Mare to find the body.
  • Missy Sager goes missing.
    • Her journey of how she became a drug user is heartbreaking. A former A-student, she suffered a fractured hip, becomes addicted to pain relief, which then spirals.
  • Mare's life as her work progresses. Before the series, her relationships are already fractured and it only gets worse with her having to deal with her ex being accused of impregnating Erin, dealing with potentially losing custody of her grandson in the worst way which gets her put under suspension and in general already lackluster relationships taking even worse turns, leaving Mare extremely isolated as the series goes on.
  • Mare goes to visit Colin's mother after his death. She slaps the shit out of Mare, blames her for Colin's death, and tells her never to come back again. When Helen asks how it went, Mare just breaks down in tears.
  • Mare finds a clip from Siobhan’s documentary of Kevin. She watches a recording of Kevin as a young boy with tears in her eyes. After shooting Mr Potts, she hears Kevin’s voice:
    Kevin: C’mon, Mom! Let’s jump in together! 1...2...3...
