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Tear Jerker / Laika: Aged Through Blood

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  • The game starts off with the brutal murder of Poochie, an innocent child. And according to Jacob, the birds tortured the poor kid to death, even desecrating his corpse afterwards by stringing him on his own intestines. All because he was "non-bird scum".
  • The curse that afflicts Laika's family grants its bearer the ability to speak to the dead, along with being able to come back from the dead. So what's the catch? Laika has lost two daughters note  due to the curse. Once the potential bearer reaches a certain age, they fall ill, and they gain the curse if they survive. More often than not they don't. By the time Puppy was born, Laika became so numb to it that she couldn't even bring herself to get attached to her at first. And if the family's diary is any indication, this has been going on for generations.
  • As you set the plans to destroy the Big Tree in motion, Orella at first begrudgingly accepts to help you. But with each pillar you tear down, she grows more and more reluctant, to the point where she's begging Laika to stop. Once you finally take the whole building down and kill the pope, Orella hangs herself. Not because she was a traitor, as Laika suspected, but because she couldn't live with herself after helping destroy something she considered so beautiful and venerable as the Big Tree.
  • As you play the game, you learn that the bird's cruelty is not exclusive to non-birds.
    • The Undernest, one of the bird's settlements in the wasteland, is completely miserable. A rotten, filthy city overran by the poor and sick, completely neglected by their leaders.
    • Even in the mystical floating city the poor still suffer, being relegated to living in slums located in the lower parts, right next to factories and machinery. While the elite lives in comfort within Heaven, the lower castes live in perpetually cold homes thanks to the cooling systems.
    • According to the Hectist, all birds have their Syrinxnote  removed upon being born, robbing them of their ability to sing.
  • At one point Mina (the girl with the bugs) will hand you a birthday invite and ask you to deliver it to her younger brother, who's gone out into the wasteland to study insects. You find him dead Where Rust Weaves, carrying a jar filled with bugs that he intended on giving to Mina as a gift.
    Jar of Bugs item description: "Happy birthday, big sister" Fuck.
