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Tear Jerker / Home Alone

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  • After realizing that he "made" his family "disappear", Kevin remembers all the mean things that they said to him, leading to a "Hell, Yes!" Moment when he realizes that now he can do what he likes.
  • The final fight between Kevin and Kate before he's left behind is this from both sides.
    • When Kevin notes he’s sick of the whole family after ending up in trouble with everyone after causing a Disaster Dominoes, he states he’d rather have no family and heads up to the attic alone. While he is being bratty, he's clearly seeking some attention and reassurance and doesn't get it.
    • When Kevin says he doesn't want to see her again for the rest of his life, Kate noticably has a shocked and hurt look on her face. While she definitely handles things badly, she's already stressed with the trip and twice the number of people in her house. That added to the fact that Kevin HAS been misbehaving frequently, it's understandable she'd have a bad moment because she was hurt.
  • Kate's My God, What Have I Done? when she realizes Kevin is still at the house, alone and with no adults nearby because the whole street is on vacation, and with the phones out, there's no way to call the house. Mind she realizes it after Kevin watches the mobster movie and goes "MOM!", which seems to hint she sensed his distress thousands of miles away.
    Peter: What else could we be forgetting?
    Kate: KEVIN!
    • The later when the airline staff checks on Kate:
      Kate: How could we do this? We forgot him.
      Peter: We didn't forget him, we just… miscounted.
      Kate: What kind of mother am I?
  • When the Wet Bandits try to get into the house for the first time Kevin turns on all the lights and runs upstairs. The shot of him hiding under his parent's bed, hyperventilating because he's scared, will tug at anyone's heartstrings.
    • Kevin is going to sleep in his parents' bed and gazes longingly at a portrait of his family - Kevin, his four older siblings, and their parents. Still believing that he had somehow magically made his family disappear, Kevin says that he didn't mean it and promises to never be a pain again if his family would just come back to him. One of the Deleted Scenes is a longer and even more touching version of this, combining Kevin's desperate plea with shots of his father and older siblings in Paris, all unable to sleep because they are so worried about Kevin (except for Buzz, who is sleeping like a log). In particular, Megan looks like she has been crying.
  • After his encounter with "Santa", Kevin walks by a house and sees a family enjoying Christmas together, causing him to stare at them longingly. All while "Somewhere In My Memory" plays in the background.
    • Kevin waking up on Christmas morning eagerly hoping to find his family back home, only to be heartbroken to see that the house is still empty. The scene quickly bounces back into heartwarming, however, as Kate comes in through the door just a few seconds later.
  • Old Man Marley's reveal to Kevin that he and his son haven't spoken to each other in years after a bitter argument. You can tell he's holding back tears as he talks about it, and while he wants to make up with his son, he's not sure it will work. Thankfully this subplot ends up happily, as he ends up going for it and the two are reunited the next day.
