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Tear Jerker / Hands (OMORI)

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  • In Will You Forgive Me, My Best Friend?, Basil has a very hard time trusting his caretaker Polly, because of her wanting to be a college-age sister figure to him... and Basil secretly knowing his old friend group's late older sister figure to have been a rapist.
  • The friends' reactions to the truth in the aptly-titled Truth. Hero momentarily denies that Mari could have ever hurt Sunny, Aubrey winds up hating her surrogate older sister, and Kel feels just as troubled by the impact on the loved ones around him. In fact, Hero trying to deny that Mari could've hurt Sunny causes Sunny to flee while no one's looking, and nearly follows the "Sunny route" bad ending when he heads to the hospital roof with the intent of jumping off, only saved at the last second by Hero, who's going through a My God, What Have I Done? moment.
  • The trauma inflicted by Mari caused Sunny to deeply fear physical intimacy, to the extent that his reciprocation of Kel's high-five is quite halfhearted, and he shields himself with his arm when Kel tries putting a hand on his shoulder.
    "Don't touch me... please don't..."
  • Sunny comfortably gives Omori, and then his mother once Hero tells her the truth, a hug.
  • Sunny's mother in Recovery breaking down in the hallway of their new home when Hero tells her over the phone what kind of a person Mari really was, wishing she had seen the signs or done something to help Sunny while Mari was still alive.
