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Tear Jerker / Clinic of Horrors

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Unmarked Spoilers ahead!
Feels for the tentacle monster.
  • Most of the comics of young Bianca definitely show just how much of a woobie she is. In the first comic, she gets bluntly told by her mother that her grandfather died when she went to go get him ice cream after he asked her to as he didn't want her to see him pass on.
  • After her visit to the Eternal Gaming Cafe, Bianca attempts to play with the guy whom she learned about the place from, only for him to disconnect due to his card declining the moment she asks him to run a dungeon with her. The look on her face to him disconnecting is very heartrending.
  • When the trash blobs arrive to warn Bianca of something bad, they get sanitizer dumped on them by Dr. Adler, killing them. It's one of the first things that gets Bianca to distrust the man, and you will be both sad for their deaths and angry at Adler for what he did.
  • Dr. Adler's mushroom mutation is a parasite that infects others through physical contact with Sarah being among them. Upon examination, Bianca notices that it has reach her brain. Many were saddened by this turn of events and are hoping that Sarah can still be saved.
  • Bianca ends up getting infected by the mushroom parasite herself, causing her to go berserk when Michaelis attempts to cure her. After he does, she can only kneel over him and look in horror at what she did. Made even more heartbreaking as Michaelis calls her his first real friend before going silent.
  • After being cured of her infection, Sarah doesn't remember anything that happened and tells Bianca that she feels as if she woke up from a pleasant dream and that she's sad that it's over. Bianca doesn't have the heart to tell her exactly what happened.
  • Season 2 Chapter 7 makes it clear that everybody remembers the incident and that Bianca is the one who saved them. Rather than hailing her as a hero though, they blame her for the fact that they were quarantined. As Bianca points out, despite being cured, they all subconsciously hate her as an aftereffect. Sarah's response indicates she subconsciously feels the same. She doesn't say anything harsh to Bianca, but it is clear that despite still caring for her and considering Bianca to be her friend, she subconsciously hates her too.
