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Sandbox / Worker Placement

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Worker placement is a type of action drafting where players place tokens (often person-shaped "meeple" representing "workers") to trigger an action from a set of actions available to all players. They usually do this one at a time and in turn order. Usually, each player has a limited number of tokens, which may increase as the game progresses.

Some games do this in reverse: the action spaces start out filled by markers, which the players can claim by paying some cost.

Most worker placement games create tension by limiting how many times a single action may be taken. Once this limit is reached, the action becomes more expensive or even unavailable for the rest of the round. This means that players can sometimes block each other. If the game uses rounds, the actions are usually refreshed at the start of each round.


  • Agricola: Each player starts with two pieces representing family members. These can be placed on action spaces to collect resources or do other things like like building fences. When an action becomes occupied, it's unavailable for the rest of the round.
  • Everdell
  • Lost Ruins of Arnak

Nona: May I ask why this is a priority entry?
Maths: It's a fairly common mechanic to base a game around, so I think it deserves a high priority.
Nona: Okay, saw thye split and I'm cool with it
