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Imperial Guard WIP Description Rewrite

The Astra Militarum, colloquially known as the Imperial Guard, is the collective military of normal humans and the military backbone of the Imperium in Warhammer 40,000. Consisting of countless individuals, the Imperial Guard are involved in an equally countless number of stories of heroism, sacrifice and horror.

The Astra Militarum series (origionally the Imperial Guard series before the faction was renamed) is a loose collection of, mostly stand-alone, novels and short stories that feature members of the Imperium's largest military organisation as their protagonists. While unconnected, many of these books have since been collected into omnibus editions.

The series consist of:

Many other Warhammer 40,000 novels primarily feature the Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum, but aren't a part of series including: Gaunt's Ghosts; Ciaphas Cainnote ; The Last Chancers; Bastion Wars; Cadia.

Tropes from Imperial Guard novels that don't have their own page:
